Proverbs 10:7 The memory of the righteous is blessed, but the name of the wicked will not. 

Proverbs is primarily credited to King Solomon, but other authors are thought to have contributed. The proverbs are cast in Hebrew poetry using certain words for effect. When we start looking at scripture we always want to look at it how it was meant to be read. So knowing this is a book of wise saying in poetic form helps us regard it as such. Because the entire Bible is God-breathed, it does not negate the importance of this section of the Bible nor does lack concepts that are powerful and true. 

When Proverbs was written people actually took their name seriously. This seems to be a lost art these days. That meant you didn't want your name trashed, you spoke truth and your word was good. Look at pretty much any politician these days and we can clearly see almost no one in that field and many others seem to even bother trying to be truthful or protect their name via biblical righteousness. Value, when Proverbs was written, was found many times in the generations your name reverberated through history. When we think of Jesus, Paul, Abraham, David, etc, these were known for their righteousness. Jesus being literally perfect. To this day their names are synonymous with righteousness. This is well over 2,000 years after they lived here on Earth. Of course, none of them are actually dead.

I think I have mentioned this in other studies, but I think about my legacy a lot and it's possible that I will be remembered for being a man of God. If I get remembered for anything, I would rather it be that, than anything else. Having said that, this is a message that in the eyes of God and in the eyes of those who matter the righteous will be blessed. "Blessed" here has the idea of benediction; by implication prosperity:--blessing, liberal, pool, present (from the Hebrew word Brakah). Your memory being blessed is an extremely high honor. 

Application - Being righteous generally will mean the memory of you lasts and it will be good on whoever thinks of it. It could potentially bless generations. However, being unrighteous will mean your life is not a blessing. Generally speaking, it will either be regarded with disdain or forgotten as if you never existed. 

Questions - are you part of the few generations after you will remember as righteous, or are you part of the group that will be forgotten if you do not make a change. 

Who in your life or that you know of, lived a life whose memory was righteous and has impacted you?

