EPHESIANS 5:13-16 But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light. 14 Therefore He says: “Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light.”15 See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, 16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

Cross Reference: John 3:20-21 For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. 21 But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.”

Therefore, "coming to the light" is more than exercising faith. A person who comes to the light not only believes but also openly identifies with the light so that his or her works can be seen as things done in union with God. NSB* 

That Are Exposed; See under "Expose" here. Has the idea of "to convict, rebuke, reprove," is translated "to reprove". 

Manifest; "to make visible, clear, manifest," known (akin to A, No. 2), is used especially in the writings of the Apostles John and Paul), occurring 9 times in the Gospel, 9 times in 1 John, 2 in Rev.; in the Pauline Epistles (including Heb.) The Greek word used here is φανερόω phaneroo
. Vine's (def B-1), Strong's G5319.

By The Light; Light here is specifically used of the glory of Christ, illumining the believer who fulfills the conditions, so that being guided by His "light" he reflects His character. The Greek word is ἐπιφαύω epiphausko. Vine's (def. B-2), Strong's G2017. 

Moving to Verse 14.

Awake, You Who Sleep may be a fragment of a first-century Christian hymn, or an original thought by Paul alluding to Is. 26:19 (see cross-references) a promise of God's coming salvation. NSB.  

Awake, You Who Sleep; Awake here has the idea of metaphorically, "of awaking from a state of moral sloth." The Greek word is ἐγείρω egeiro. Vine's (def. 1b),
Strong's G1453. 

Sleep in this text pertains to carnal indifference, to spiritual things on the part of believers.  It is important to note the metaphorical use here. The Greek word is katheudo καθεύδω. Vine's (def. A-1b), Strong's G2518. 

Ariseof a spiritual awakening from lethargy. The Greek word used here is ἀνίστημι anistemi. Vine's (def. 1d), Strong's G450.

From The Dead; The actual spiritual condition of the unsaved. See this study under Verse 1. 

Cross References: Isaiah 36:19 Your dead shall live; Together with my dead body they shall arise. Awake and sing, you who dwell in dust; For your dew is like the dew of herbs, And the earth shall cast out the dead.

Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.

Moving to Verse 15.

Cross References: Colossians 4:5  Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time.

Ecclesiastes 11:2 Give a serving to seven, and also to eight,
For you do not know what evil will be on the earth.

You Walk Circumspectly; Has the idea of walking accurately or carefully. The context indicates walking gingerly. We should watch our path to avoid contact with undesirable influences. NSB. The Greek word here is better translated as "accurately" which is ἀκριβῶςa kribos. Vine's (def. 1), Strong's G199.

Fools; The KJV uses the word "unwise". a, negative, is rendered "unwise". The Greek word is ἄσοφος asophos. Vine's (def 3), Strong's G781.

Wisebelievers endowed with spiritual and practical wisdom. The Greek word used here is sσοφός sophos. Vine's (def A-1c), Strong's G4680.

Moving to Verse 16.

Redeeming The Time; has the idea of taking advantage of opportunities for service. We should use as much time as possible here on Earth for Christ's purpose. NSB (para). Redeeming here is in the Middle Voice, "to buy up for oneself,". The Greek word is ἐξαγοράζω exagorazo. Vine's (def A-1b), Strong's G1805.

Evil; Means toilsome, painful. Cp. poneria, "iniquity, wickedness." in this text. The Greek word is πονηρός poneros. Vine's (def A-2b), Strong's G4190. 

This verse urges us to be generous to as many people as possible. NSB.

*NSB = Nelson Study Bible.

Takeaway - The more you hang out with the people of God and hang out in His Word, the more the light gets shined into the darkness in the world and in your life. It provides an awakening that ought to lead to us being more generous with our time. This is also why when you talk to someone who is spiritually dead, there will be a disconnect between you and them on a spiritual level. They do not see as those who are in Christ do. 

